These Latvian mittens are finally ready after a few trials and errors. When I bumped into these some years ago, the result was obvious: I have to have them. As an inspiration were these beauties. I made some changes to the fair isle design as well knitted mine with thumb gussets to make them fit better. The biggest challenge to me was to design the pattern to the gusset, as the original motif was too big. Finally I chose this really simple pattern which follows the shape of the gusset and at least vaguely reminds the original. The mittens are really warm as they have two layers of yarn almost all the time, as you see from the wrong side.
Lapaset ovat melko isot, onhan niitä tarkoitus pitää nahkasormikkaiden päällä. Näitä neuloessani rakastuin, nimittäin neulomiseen kahdella pyöröpuikolla. Aloitin ekat lapaset perinteisesti sukkapuikoilla, siirryin sitten neulomaan niitä yhdellä pitkällä sukkapuikolla sillä käsialani ei ollut mielestäni riittävän tasaista. Yhdellä pyöröllä tämä ongelma parani, mutta en tykkää siitä, miten puikon siimaa joutuu vääntämään. Kahdella pyöröllä tämäkin ongelma korjaantui. Luulen, että pienien kirjoneuleiden neulominen lisääntyy tulevaisuudessa, muutama kaunis kirjoneulesukka ja -lapasmalli on jo katsottu valmiiksi.
The mittens are quite big as they are meant to be worn together with leather gloves. This project made me fall in love with knitting with two circulars. I started the first mitten with dnps but moved on to knitting with one circular as the result wasn't even enough. This problem was now solved but I didn't like the way I had to bend the cable. With two circs also this problem was solved. As a result I think I'm going to knit little fair isle projects a lot more, I already have some lovely fair isle socks and mittens in queue.
Malli (Pattern): Oma (Own) Inspiraatio Inspiration
Lanka (Yarn): Novita Nalle + Novita Nalle Colori: 75% villa (wool), 25% polyamidi (polyamid) n (ca) 150 g = n (ca) 390 m
Kulutus (Usage): n (ca) 90 g
Puikot (Needles): 2½, 3 3½ ja (and) 4 Sukkapuikot (dnps) ja (and) pyöröpuikot (circular needles)
Pesuohje (Washing): hienopesu (gentle machine wash) 40°, tasokuivatus (dry flat)